
June 16, 2009

Sister of artist Robert DeJesus passes away

We are sad to report that artist Robert DeJesus' younger sister, Giselle, passed away on Saturday June 13th, after a ten year battle with cancer. She was 33 years old. Her cancer had been in remission, but recently returned.

These events have led Bob and his wife Emily to reduce their convention appearances this year. They are no strangers to anime conventions, with nearly 250 appearances between them. They met at Anime Central and were married at Anime Central 2001. Emily also served as convention chair at Ohayocon 2009.

We at offer our deepest condolences to the DeJesus family in their time of grief. Ohayocon is leading a fund raising effort to help with medical bills, funeral expenses, and for Giselle's ten year-old daughter. We ask if you are able, please make a donation to the DeJesus family. To donate, please send a Paypal payment to or you can mail checks or money orders to:

Robert and Emily DeJesus
2220 N. 23rd Street
Lafayette, IN 47904

Please pass this information along to your fellow convention attendees, as Rob and Emily are a huge part of our community. We also encourage you to support cancer research by donating to and participating in events and fundraisers in the future. To find out more information on how you can help, visit the American Cancer Society's web site at

For more information, please vist Ohayocon's web site at