
2018 News

August 24, 2018
Amazing Comic Con Aloha Cancelled Due to Hurricane
Amazing Comic Con Aloha announced at 9:44am HST today, what would have been the first day of the convention, that it would be rescheduled due to Hurricane Lane.
August 14, 2018
Izumicon Looks Like It's Cancelled...But They Haven't Said So
For more than 24 hours, rumors have been circulating about Izumicon which is scheduled for August 31st through September 2nd in Midwest City, Oklahoma. It has all the appearances of a cancelled convention without anyone from staff specifically saying if it has been cancelled or not. UPDATE: The convention has officially been cancelled.
March 14, 2018
Steampunk World's Faire Cancelled
We've learned that Steampunk World's Faire has been cancelled because it's "not possible to repair SPWF to the grandeur that the community justly expects in 6 weeks."
January 1, 2018
Largest North American Anime Conventions of 2017
We rank the largest North American anime conventions by size and see which ones have grown and which have lost attendees in our annual look at the largest anime cons in the United States and Canada for the past year.