Convention Schedule

List of 1988 North American Conventions

Convention Dates Location
Starlog's Salute to Star Wars 1988 January 1-3, 1988 Penta Hotel
New York, NY
Creation Las Vegas 1988 January 9-10, 1988 Showboat Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
Creation Boston 1988 January 16-17, 1988 Marriott Copley Place
Boston, MA
Creation San Francisco 1988 January 23-24, 1988 Sheraton Palace Hotel
San Francisco, CA
Boskone 1988 January 29-31, 1988 Sheraton Tara Springfield / Springfield Marriott
Springfield, MA
Creation Anaheim 1988 January 30-31, 1988 Sheraton Anaheim Hotel
Anaheim, CA
Creation Washington, DC 1988 January 30-31, 1988 Marriott Twin Bridges Hotel
Arlington, VA
Costume-Con 1988 February 12-15, 1988 Le Baron Hotel
San Jose, CA
Starlog's Salute to Star Wars 1988 February 13-14, 1988 Red Lion Inn
San Jose, CA
Creation Manhattan 1988 February 27-28, 1988 Penta Hotel
New York, NY
Lunacon 1988 March 11-13, 1988 Tarrytown Marriott
Tarrytown, NY
ClipperCon 1988 March 18-20, 1988 Hunt Valley Inn
Hunt Valley, MD
Creation New Haven 1988 March 19-20, 1988 Park Plaza Hotel
New Haven, CT
AggieCon 1988 March 24-27, 1988 Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
Magnum Opus Con 1988 March 25-27, 1988 Columbus Ironworks Convention Center
Columbus, GA
Star Fest 1988 March 26-27, 1988 Regency Hotel
Denver, CO
Balticon 1988 April 1-3, 1988 Hunt Valley Inn
Hunt Valley, MD
Genericon 1988 April 8-10, 1988 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY
Fangora Magazine's Weekend of Horrors 1988 April 9-10, 1988 Hyatt LAX Hotel
Los Angeles, CA
Creation Dearborn 1988 April 16-17, 1988 Dearborn Civic Center
Dearborn, MI
Official Starlog Festival 1988 April 23-24, 1988 Penta Hotel
New York, NY
Wonderful World of Comics Convention 1988 April 23-24, 1988 Oakland Convention Center
Oakland, CA
Amigocon 1988 April 29 - May 1, 1988 Holiday Inn Sunland Park
El Paso, TX
Anglicon 1988 May 6-8, 1988 Seattle Hyatt
Seattle, WA
Mo-Kan Spring Comics Festival 1988 May 7-8, 1988 K.C. Trade Mart
Overland Park, KS
Starlog's Salute to Star Wars 1988 May 14-15, 1988 Hyatt Regency Dearborn
Dearborn, MI
BayCon 1988 May 27-30, 1988 Red Lion Hotel
San Jose, CA
Ad Astra 1988 June 10-12, 1988 Holiday Inn Airport Hotel
Etobicoke, ON, Canada
Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1988 June 24-26, 1988 Atlanta Hilton & Towers
Atlanta, GA
Creation Manhattan 1988 June 25-26, 1988 Penta Hotel
New York, NY
Chicago Comicon 1988 July 1-3, 1988 Ramada O'Hare
Elk Grove Village, IL
Dallas Fantasy Fair 1988 July 1-3, 1988 Sheraton Park Central
Dallas, TX
Shore Leave 1988 July 8-10, 1988 Marriott Hunt Valley Inn
Hunt Valley, MD
Nolacon II / Worldcon 1988 September 1-5, 1988 Marriott / Sheraton / International Hotel / New Orleans Municipal Auditorium
New Orleans, LA
Confluence 1988 September 17, 1988 University of Pittsburgh, The William Pitt Union
Pittsburgh, PA
Dragon Con 1988 October 7-9, 1988 Piermont Plaza Hotel
Atlanta, GA
TusCon 1988 October 7-9, 1988 Executive Inn
Tucson, AZ
Con*Stellation 1988 October 21-23, 1988 Huntsville Hilton
Huntsville, AL
Mo-Kan Fall Comics Festival 1988 October 29-30, 1988 K.C. Trade Mart
Overland Park, KS
OryCon 1988 November 11-13, 1988 Red Lion Columbia River
Portland, OR
Windycon 1988 November 11-13, 1988 Hyatt Regency Woodfield
Schaumburg, IL
Readercon 1988 November 18-20, 1988 Lowell Hilton
Lowell, MA
Creation Manhattan 1988 November 25-27, 1988 Penta Hotel
New York, NY
SMOFcon 1988 December 9-11, 1988 Hyatt Regency Phoenix
Phoenix, AZ
Convention Dates Location