Press Releases

November 25, 2009

News for Las Cruces Anime Day 2010:

Las Cruces Anime Day announces Monica Rial as guest of honor

The Las Cruces Anime Day is proud to announce that it will be honored by the presence of Miss Monica Rial at its 2010 event as Guest of Honor.

Miss Rial, voice actress and ADR script adapter and director, has been working in the anime voice-over industry for ten years. As an actress for ADV Films and FUNimation Entertainment, she has lent her voice to over 150 anime titles. Miss Rial will be will be present at LCAD2010 interacting with attendees via panels, screenings and autograph sessions.

An event run by the El Paso Anime Coalition (EPAC) and sponsored by Anime Night!, a student organization at New Mexico State University (NMSU), LCAD2010 will take place on Saturday, January 30th, 2010 in NMSU's Corbett Center Student Union in Las Cruces, NM. Registration costs are $15 ($10 for EPAC09 attendees with badge, holder and lanyard) or $5 for a Dealers' Room-only pass.

For more information, please contact or visit