Press Releases

January 8, 2009

News for CHS Otaku Fest 2009:

Centennial High School in Ellicott City, Maryland to host one-day convention

Ellicott City, MD January 6, 2009 - Centennial High School Anime Club is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its first ever anime convention on April 25th, 2009 called CHS Otaku Fest.

This one day convention is a celebration of all things anime and otaku. Our activities will include 1) Anime and Japanese movie screening 2) Discussion panels and workshops hosted by fans 3) Video Game room and tournaments 4) Masquerade 5) AMV contest 6) Dealer's Area 7) Artist Alley 8) Asian food and Snacks 9) Crazy Otaku Challenges (i.e. Ramen Eating Contest, Haruhi Dance Competition,etc) 10) Cosplay Photo Areas (visit our cosplay meet up thread on the forum) and 11)Live Band performance (Local bands). Other activities may be announced over time.

Those interested in attending, becoming a sponsor, dealer, panelist, selling your art or advertising with us or anything else please visit our website at or contact General information about the convention on the bottom.

About The Centennial High Anime club: This organization is an entirely high school based club with about 40 active members. The club has been an establishment in the school since 2005 and is gaining membership annually. It is a place for otaku to gather and meet while relaxing and discussing anime and the community at large. Our elected leadership is always looking to expand the club's reach, educate our members and get them involved in the otaku community. We've recently begun hosting public events and we have high hopes for this con. Our current leadership, president Sophie Song, vice president Lucy Qian, and other organizers for this event have been with the club since its founding and are excited to see it expand.

Otaku Fest information

Date: Saturday April 25th, 2009
Time: 9:30 am to 9:30 pm
Location: Centennial High School
4300 Centennial Lane
Ellicott City, MD 21042

Registration fee: $15 before April 5th and $20 after. There is a $3 discount to groups of 10 or more ($12 per person before 4/5/09 and $17 after 4/5/09). At-the-door registration is $22.

For additional information visit:
