Press Releases

February 27, 2006

Get locked in at Cosplay-A-Thon Go

Who: Cosplay-A-Thon Go!
What: Cosplay/Anime Lock-In
When: March 24th, 2006
Where: Crystal's Pizza & Spaghetti - Irving, TX
Cost: $15 for entire Lock-In

This event will be a little bit different than your typical meetup/gathering/photoshoot. Skypirate has been working hard with several DFW area Cosplay/EGL/Anime groups to organize a unique cosplay photo opportunity. Presenting Cosplay-a-thon Go!

Cosplay-a-thon is a cosplay lock-in that will be held March 24th at Crystal's Pizza, in Irving. The lock-in goes from 10pm-6am and costs 15.00 to attend. (This is Crystal's fee, and includes a two hour buffet, game tokens, and soda all night.) In addition to Crystal's entertainment, University of North Texas anime club MEK ( will be providing video entertainment in Crystal's multiple video rooms, as well as Karaoke and console gaming.

Sweet Tea ( will be there too, and we're helping out with the Iron Cosplay and Anime Jeopardy, which of course will feature FABULOUS PRIZES and a good time for all.

This is event is open to cosplayer and non-cosplayers alike, in order to hold the event we need at least 50 people to sign up, however we are capping the event at 100 attendees. Currently, payment is being accepted by check, however a paypal account will be available this week.

For more information on rules, events, payment info, etc. - please check out the Cosplay-a-thon Go! website.