Double Midnight Productions Information

Double Midnight Productions Information

Double Midnight Productions

Double Midnight Productions

Double Midnight Productions’ mission is to provide fans the best in comics, games, and pop culture while maintaining a family-friendly, traditional comic book show atmosphere.

But that's not the whole story.

Double Midnight Productions started as a small, three-owner comic book store in Manchester, NH. Our first convention was the 2003, Granite State Comicon. “Granitecon” was a one-day, one-room, no-celebrity, comic book and gaming show. It was definitely small, to be sure, but it was a hit.

And, now fifteen years later, that smaller size continues to serve our guests, vendors and attendees well. We've expanded the retail side to a second location (Concord, NH), we've added a second convention; MASSive Comic Con (Worcester, MA), and we now produce several one-day comic book shows throughout the year.

As we continue to grow our brand, that growth is balanced by our customer service, attention to detail and personal connections; from our Show Producers to the Volunteer Staff. Our goal is not to be the biggest, or have the most celebrities. Our goal is to give everyone who attends our events the best experience possible.

We pride ourselves in providing a more intimate experience – fans, comic creators and celebrities get a chance to mingle and chat and enjoy each other's company. Being smaller is reflected in our pricing as well. We strive to keep our ticket prices as low as possible, our table and booth rental prices are lower too.

Yes we are smaller, we're smaller on purpose.

Last updated: 2025-03-12 13:54:46

Future/Previous Events

Granite State Comicon 2025  —  Sep 20-21 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2024  —  Sep 21-22 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2023  —  Sep 15-17 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2022  —  Sep 17 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2021  —  Sep 18-19 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2020  —  Sep 19-20 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2019  —  Sep 14-15 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2018  —  Sep 8-9 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2017  —  Sep 16-17 — Manchester, NH
MASSive Comic Con 2017  —  Jun 24-25 — Worcester, MA
Granite State Comicon 2016  —  Sep 17-18 — Manchester, NH
MASSive Comic Con 2016  —  Jun 25-26 — Worcester, MA
Granite State Comicon 2015  —  Sep 12-13 — Manchester, NH
MASSive Comic Con 2015  —  Jun 27-28 — Worcester, MA
Granite State Comicon 2014  —  Sep 13-14 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2013  —  Sep 28-29 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2012  —  Jun 10 — Manchester, NH
Granite State Comicon 2011  —  May 15 — Manchester, NH