Alexis Brooks

Author / Journalist

Alexis Brooks is a #1 best-selling author, international speaker, award-winning broadcast journalist, and host of the podcast Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks. A veteran of broadcast journalism since 1986 beginning in the Boston market, Alexis was simultaneously pursuing a track that would lead her to an intensive study of metaphysical, spiritual, and consciousness-related subjects - areas of inquiry that stemmed from her own extraordinary encounters that began as a child.
Trained in Transcendental Meditation at the age of 13 and Brooks became a student of the Seth Material channeled by Jane Roberts, eventually resulting in a complete shift in direction as a journalist.
Shortly after the events of September 11, 2001, Brooks authored two articles in Spirit of Change Magazine and on the metaphysical implications of 9/11. She was contacted by paranormalist Uri Geller and interviewed on his radio program.
Brooks has been recognized for her work within the field of UFOlogy, with emphasis on the ET contact experiencer aspect, as well as a spectrum of subjects within the metaphysical and transformational genres. She has been interviewed on both radio and television, and was featured with a roster of experts in Miguel Mendonca's book We Are the Disclosure - 700 Years of Research on ET-Human Interaction. She is also an expert on The Proof is Out There and was featured on the T+E special series, Encounter: UFO.
Brooks has lent her voice as a professional narrater and voice-over artist for audiobooks within the metaphysical and spiritual genre, including Higher Self Now! by William Buhlman, and Meet the Hybrids by Miguel Mendonca and Barbara Lamb, among others.
Her podcast, Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks has been consistently named as one of the Top 25 metaphysical podcasts on and her first book, a collection of metaphysical essays, Conscious Musings, reached #1 Best-Selling Status on Amazon in 2014.
Convention Guest Appearances
- AlienCon Pasadena 2023 - March 4-5, 2023 in Pasadena, CA