Mayumi Shintani


Best known as the voice of Haruko Haruhara in FLCL, Shintani's anime voice acting career was revived in 2013 when she played Nonon Jakuzure in Kill la Kill.
Originally starting her career as a stage actor in 1995, Shintani appeared in a number of musicals and plays, where she captivated audience with her charm.
In 1998, she made her voice acting debut as Tsubasa Shibahime in His and Her Circumstances, when Hideaki Anno discovered her unique talent and voice.
After her appearance in FLCL, she went on to appear in many works, exhibiting a strong personality in the various roles, which has grabbed the hearts of anime fans.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Anime NYC 2018 - November 16-18, 2018 in New York, NY
- Anime Expo 2016 - July 1-4, 2016 in Los Angeles, CA