Alexa Heart Information

Alexa Heart

Alexa Heart


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I'm a cosplayer, costume designer, sculptor, prop creator, and 8-bit gamer from western Kentucky, now based in St. Louis, Missouri. After years of piecing together and creating my own costumes for movie openings, comic releases, and, of course, Halloween, I finally discovered the world of Cosplay in 2012. This new discovery, along with my passion for all things geek, pushed me to start attending as many cons as I could in 2013.
In almost 2 years, I've created over 15 costumes of my favorite characters, while attending conventions across the country. In 2014, I began attending conventions as a Guest, hosting and assisting with panels, costume contest judging, and in some cases, as a Featured Guest. I had the honor of serving as a guest panelist on Ivy Doomkitty's "So they say you shouldn't cosplay" panel at New York Comic Con in 2014. This panel is very important to me, as I had recently came out to family and friends as Transgender, so it gave me an outlet to address the hurdles that I had to overcome to get to where I am. You see, the "Alexa" persona was originally created as a "cosplay in a cosplay", but it quickly became apparent that she was the shell I was most comfortable in. The support and encouragement I receive from my cosplay family is unmatched. I know I've found my home.
I love the world of cosplay and the unique challenges that costume creation presents. With a background in the automotive industry, I use my knowledge and skills and combine them with my new found hobby to assist in making my costumes. The results are nothing short of

Convention Guest Appearances

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