Alexander "Octopimp" Gross
Voice Actor

Alex (Octopimp) is a voice guy who does voice things online. You might know him from the series 50% OFF which he makes with his pal Sparky. It's dumb and you probably shouldn't watch it. Man, I need 600 characters for this bio, that's WAY too many. I wonder if anyone reads these things. If you read this please send an email to I'm actually going to register that email right now hang on a second. Ok, done. If you read this, thank you and I'm sorry for wasting your time. One time I accidentally ate one of those damage counters they give you for the Pokemon TCG.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Anime NYC 2021 - November 19-21, 2021 in New York, NY
- Anime Expo 2015 - July 2-5, 2015 in Los Angeles, CA