Disc Jockey

Dwaine McCrea II a.k.a DJ KaKuMeI X (a.k.a DJ FuLoN X depending on genre) has been in the mixing game since the age of 6. In high school he decided to try and pursue this dream dj'ing and producing songs. Often looked down upon in his private school that he was raised in, he was determined to break the stereotype. His first produced tracks were in MIDI form for the Sonic The Hedgehog series(some were added to for those who remember) and even submitted a few tracks to Overclocked Remix although none made it through to the big names. This did not stop him at all. He kept pursuing the dream and then opened up to Final Fantasy Series to make tracks. He is active in the Japanese lifestyle, visiting Japan in highschool and taking up the language. He is a Gundam Wing fan and a habitual Pokemon player. He also enjoys rounds of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, BlazBlue, Dance Dance Revolution, In The Groove, Initial D, and Wangan Midnight to name a few games. He competitively plays Left 4 Dead 2 often. "I'm always up for a good challenge and to be a mentor, either in gaming, or in the music community. I take both very passionately.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Nekocon 2012 - November 2-4, 2012 in Hampton, VA