Todd Nathanson

Music Reviewer

Todd Nathanson, better known as Todd in the Shadows, is the resident music reviewer for the popular review website With a background in journalism and several awards under his belt, Todd decided that the slapdash world of online criticism was far more rewarding. Details about this mysterious faceless man's backstory (where he lives, where he actually worked, what his ethnicity is, etc) have been hard to unearth, but here's what we do know; for the past two years, this mysterious shadowy man has sat in a dark room in front of a piano and explored the deeper meanings of Katy Perry songs without ever once showing his face; when asked why, all he would say is, "If this was what you did for a living you wouldn't want to show your face either."
Inspired by the snarky, sarcastic movie reviews of popular Internet personality The Nostalgia Critic, Todd set out to do the same for the maddening pop songs he had heard too many times on the radio. Debuting on Youtube in late 2009, and joining Channel Awesome in mid-2010, he has quickly become a standout among the Internet reviewer crowd for his incisive wit, brilliant insight, musical talent and what can we only presume are stunning good looks (we are assured Todd is, in fact, Channel Awesome's "hottest guy".)
Since his debut, he's taken a deep critical look at the best, worst, and silliest of the day's most inescapable pop hits, but he's also expanded his scope to take a look at the popular music of past decades as well as music stars' strange forays into film, television and even video games. He has also starred in two feature-length movies produced by, for which he received overwhelming critical acclaim from both of his parents and one of his cousins.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Midwest Media Expo 2015 - April 10-12, 2015 in Detroit, MI
- ConBravo! 2013 - July 26-28, 2013 in Hamilton, ON, Canada
- ConBravo! 2012 - July 27-29, 2012 in Burlington, ON, Canada