Fine Young Deviants

Improv Group
Boise, ID

The Fine Young Deviants are Idaho's newest Comedy/Improv acting troupe. Focusing on sub-culture interests, and poking fun at popular culture as a whole. Their videos are funny, but their live performances will leave you needing stitches. The Deviants run on one principle: There is no I in TEAM, but there is an I in Meat Pie.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Tomodachi Fest 2015 - October 2-4, 2015 in Boise, ID
- Anime Oasis 2015 - May 22-25, 2015 in Boise, ID
- Anime Oasis 2014 - May 23-26, 2014 in Boise, ID
- Anime Oasis 2013 - May 24-27, 2013 in Boise, ID
- Tomodachi Fest 2012 - November 23-25, 2012 in Boise, ID
- Anime Oasis 2012 - May 24-27, 2012 in Boise, ID