Morgan Skye

"Something from the store may be prettier, but something you make will always be better." Morgan's parents firmly believe in the thinking that something homemade will always trump anything pre-made. Costumes were no different. From Halloween to Revolutionary War Re-enactments, Morgan and her parents strive to make the best they could. Never content with her own skill, she is always looking for newer, faster, and better ways to bring costumes to life. After becoming disillusioned with costume contests that generally rewarded flash instead of substance and skill, she ventured to the other side of the Judge's Table. She now happily runs costume contests at several conventions, including Dragoncon. For all this though, her true love is running panels. Beginning with Nashicon in their second year, Morgan has done several costuming panels and is now branching out into workshops.
Convention Guest Appearances
- NashiCon 2012 - March 31 - April 1, 2012 in Columbia, SC
- NashiCon 2011 - March 19-20, 2011 in Columbia, SC
- NashiCon 2010 - April 17-18, 2010 in Columbia, SC