Dawn "Kaijugal" McKechnie

Ontario, Canada
Dawn McKechnie, also known as "Kaijugal" has been involved in the Canadian costuming community and costuming fandom since 1982
Although she has won numerous awards throughout the years for her unique costume creations, in the past ten years Dawn has been more involved with organizing, administration, and education at costume events.
She currently not only coordinates the Cosplay Events Department for Anime North, but has been or is activly the director of several masquerades including Hobbystar's FanExpo and Otakuthon in Montreal Canada. She has also judged at many cons such as, Worldcon, Fan Expo, Anime Next, Polaris, Otakuthon, and Costume-Con.
Some of Dawns costume related roles current and past include:
- served as the Canadian News Editor at cosplay.com
- stage Crew for Toronto Trek/Polaris
- president of the Fibre Fantasy Artists of Canada
- co-chaired Costume-Con 32
- programming director and stage director for Costume-Con 35
- costume program director for Worldcon in Montreal, 67th World Science Fiction Convention (Anticipation)
- exhibit team 50 Designers/50 Costumes
- masquerade director for Fan Expo Canada, Toronto
- masquerade director for Otakuthon, Montreal
- masquerade director for G-Fest, Chicago
- core cast member at Castle Blood
- executive director - Anime North
Television appearances:
Animania (cosplay documentary)
Animania II (cosplay documentary)
Fanboy Confessional (documentary series)
Animal Planet's Animal Icons: It Came From Japan
Midnight Monster Hop (series)
Convention Guest Appearances
- Albacon 2016 - March 4-6, 2016 in Albany, NY 2014
- Con-G 2014 - February 21-23, 2014 in Guelph, ON, Canada 2013
- Astronomicon 2013 - November 15-17, 2013 in Rochester, NY
- ConBravo! 2013 - July 26-28, 2013 in Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Con-G 2013 - February 22-24, 2013 in Guelph, ON, Canada 2012
- ConBravo! 2012 - July 27-29, 2012 in Burlington, ON, Canada
- Con-G 2012 - February 25-26, 2012 in Guelph, ON, Canada 2011
- Otakuthon 2011 - August 12-14, 2011 in Montreal, QC, Canada
- ConBravo! 2011 - July 30-31, 2011 in Burlington, ON, Canada
- Con-G 2011 - February 19-20, 2011 in Guelph, ON, Canada
- G-Anime 2011 - February 5-6, 2011 in Gatineau, QC, Canada 2010
- Otakuthon 2010 - August 13-15, 2010 in Montreal, QC, Canada
- G-Anime 2010 - February 6-7, 2010 in Gatineau, QC, Canada 2009
- Otakuthon 2009 - July 31 - August 2, 2009 in Montreal, QC, Canada
- G-Anime 2009 - February 7-8, 2009 in Gatineau, QC, Canada 2008
- Otakuthon 2008 - July 26-27, 2008 in Montreal, QC, Canada
- Phoenix Cactus Comicon 2008 - January 26-27, 2008 in Mesa, AZ 2007
- Otakuthon 2007 - August 4-5, 2007 in Montreal, QC, Canada
18 confirmed guest appearances