North Hollywood, CA

See also: Drummer's Myspace
Serafilia is a Band Born out of California who is sick of all the crappy, fake, trendy ass music that has kept coming out and continues to come out in the music industry, (except for Muse). We are influenced by J-Rock (Mucc/Malice mizer/Dir en Grey/Deadman/Moi Dix Moi etc.) and also American bands (Led Zeppelin/Nirvana/Foo Fighters/N.I.N/Pink Floyd/System of a Down/Mettalica/Iron Maiden/Muse/Classical/Operatic etc.) Basically, We love Music, We love Playing Music, We love writing music and we hope you enjoy our music. Pleases let us know, and if you dont like us, still, thank you very much for giving us a chance, not everybody has the same opinion, but we can all agree that crappy music sucks, and i hope you think our music is not in that area. Check us out, and if your a musician who plays Guitar, Bass, and/or Keyboards, we are always looking for open minded, imaginative and chill musicians who want to kick back, have a beer and make some badass music thank you everybody for your time, and to all are fans out there thank you so much for listening to our music and continuing to listen to our music.
Convention Guest Appearances
- JRock Connection 2006 - November 24-26, 2006 in Santa Clara, CA
- Jrock Connection 2005 - November 26-27, 2005 in Santa Clara, CA