Jekka Cormier Information

Jekka Cormier

Jekka Cormier

Web Comic Creator / Podcast Host
Seraphic / The Chibi Project
Biddeford, ME

Home Page Profile Twitter Facebook LiveJournal YouTube IMDb
See also: The Chibi Project

Jekka Cormier is the writer of Seraphic (, a webcomic that grabbed her by the brainstem and wouldn't let go until she submitted to its monstrous demands. Since then she has been fortunate enough to meet about a million awesome people and even a few who seem to think she's kind of cool. This mystifies her to no end. You may also recognized Jekka from The Chibi Project ( where she assists PatrickD in destroying cute toys by any means necessary, or perhaps you recognize her from any of the conventions she staffs, or else you've been stalking her.

Convention Guest Appearances

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