Michigan Comic Con 2018 Information

Michigan Comic Con 2018

Michigan Comic Con 2018
August 17-19, 2018
Cobo Center
Detroit, MI

Comic Convention

Organized by Imaginarium

We're Imaginarium and our love for comic books, stories, art, and pop-culture is boundless. We run comic conventions (Tampa Bay Comic Con, Indiana Comic Con, San Francisco Comic Con, Atlanta Comic Con, Michigan Comic Con) and make cool ads!

Michigan Comic Con is a comic book convention located in Detroit, Michigan, at the Cobo Center. Featured are exhibitors that cater to a wide-spectrum of interests including comic books, magazines, toys, games, Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, manga, cosplay, artwork, sketches and apparel. In addition, a roster of comic industry professionals, and comicdom-related celebrities are in attendance for attendees to meet and greet. As admission is kept reasonable for adults and FREE for children, the Michigan Comic Con is a family-friendly convention.

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$66.05 through August 19, 2018
At-Door Rates
$100: All 3 Days

Attendance Information

Michigan Comic Con 2018 Guests

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Previous/Future Events

Michigan Comic Convention 2019  —  August 16-18, 2019
Michigan Comic Con 2018  —  August 17-19, 2018

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