Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con 2016 Information

Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con 2016

Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con 2016
October 28-30, 2016
Los Angeles Convention Center
Los Angeles, CA

Comic Convention with Anime, Gaming, Horror, and Sci-Fi programming

Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo will now be rebranded as Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con. The reason for the change is to underscore the convention's primary objective of honoring Los Angeles as a mecca for the creation and production of today's most celebrated pop culture entertainment - and to salute the many L.A.-based professionals involved in the creation of the films, television, comic books, and videogames that energize the sci-fi and pop culture entertainment categories.

We're still the same show that you know and love, and we even still refer to ourselves as 'Comikaze', but if it makes you feel better you can call us the Convention Formerly Known as Comikaze Expo.

Attendance Information

91,000 turnstile attendance count (estimated)

Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con 2016 Guests

Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con 2016 Reports and Photos

Previous/Future Events

L.A. Comic Con 2025  —  September 26-28, 2025
L.A. Comic Con 2024  —  October 4-6, 2024
L.A. Comic Con 2023  —  December 1-3, 2023
L.A. Comic Con 2022  —  December 2-4, 2022
L.A. Comic Con 2021  —  December 3-5, 2021
L.A. Comic Con 2020  —  December 11-13, 2020
L.A. Comic Con 2020  —  September 25-27, 2020
L.A. Comic Con 2019  —  October 11-13, 2019
L.A. Comic Con 2018  —  October 26-28, 2018
Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con 2017  —  October 27-29, 2017
Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con 2016  —  October 28-30, 2016
Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo 2015  —  October 30 - November 1, 2015
Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo 2014  —  October 31 - November 2, 2014
Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo 2013  —  November 1-3, 2013
Comikaze Expo 2012  —  September 15-16, 2012
Comikaze Expo 2011  —  September 5-6, 2011

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