ConFurence 2003
April 25-27, 2003
Hilton Burbank Airport & Convention Center
Burbank, CA
Furry Convention
Yee-haw! and howdy pawdners. Our 15th Annual furry convention is gonna be the most rootin'-tootin', high-falootin', western-style shin-dig for all you dogies and dog-ettes out there, with a special track of fun programming even for the little varmints attending with their kin-folk.
Our Native American furry bretheren are also likely to make a showing, even that infamous trickster, the Coyote. Spend time in a pow-wow or find your animal spirit... it's all gonna be a part of this year's fun!
Git out yer cowboy hats and six-shooters (rubber-band and silly-string models only, of course) and mosey on up to the bar at the Saloon, Dance yer tail off at the Dance Hall, browse through the Trading Post and shop from your favorite anthropomorphic dealers, gawk at all the pretty pikchers in the ArtShow and Auction, or just show up to have a fun reunion with yer fellow furry friends.
ConFurence 2003 Reports and Photos
Previous/Future Events
ConFurence 2002 — April 26-28, 2002
ConFurence 2001 — April 19-22, 2001
ConFurence 2000 — April 6-9, 2000
ConFurence 1999 — April 1-4, 1999
ConFurence 1998 — January 15-18, 1998
ConFurence 1997 — January 16-19, 1997
ConFurence 1996 — January 12-14, 1996
ConFurence 1995 — January 13-15, 1995
ConFurence 1994 — January 21-23, 1994
ConFurence 1993 — January 22-24, 1993
ConFurence 1992 — January 24-26, 1992
ConFurence 1991 — January 25-27, 1991
ConFurence 1990 — January 26-28, 1990
ConFurence 1989 — January 21-22, 1989