Dutch Furcon 2020
July 31 - August 3, 2020 Cancelled
Big Hill
Groesbeek, Netherlands
Furry Convention
Dutch Furry Convention, DFC for short, is a convention aimed at furries held in Groesbeek, the Netherlands. Dutch FurCon 7 will be held from July 31st through August 3rd, 2020. The convention is aimed at being as accessible and fun for as many people as possible. DFC offers an option to people who otherwise aren't able to afford a con or travel long distances, or who prefer partying in smaller groups. The location in Groesbeek allows us to have a great time with up to about 120 people, and the organization works around the year to host the best party possible. The weekend will be filled with activities, workshops, games, time and space to meet others, and plenty of food to keep everyone satisfied. From the moment you enter until the moment you leave, the team does everything in their power to provide you with a place to belong and be yourself as best we can.
Previous/Future Events
Dutch Furcon 2022 — July 15-18, 2022
Dutch Furcon 2018 — June 29 - July 2, 2018