FA United 2018
August 24-26, 2018
Hyatt Regency Dulles
Herndon, VA
Furry Convention
Fur Affinity United (FAU) is the official convention of Fur Affinity, the largest community of furry and anthropomorphics enthusiasts on the web! What are furries? We're a collection of artists, writers, crafters, musicians, and passionate fans with love of for anthropomorphics -- from walking, talking animals and monsters (both big and small), to werewolves and things that go bump in the night. Our community is built upon the foundations of art, creativity, and raw imagination.
Whether you walk on four paws or two, everyone is welcome at FA United.
FAU strives to promote furries, anthropomorphic arts, and entertainment. Our three day event has one goal: bring people together with similar interest and promote the best in the furry community!
Stay frosty, agents. The truth is out there... somewhere.
Registration Information
$50: All 3 Days
$35: Friday
$35: Saturday
$35: Sunday
FA United 2018 Reports and Photos
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Previous/Future Events
FA United 2018 — August 24-26, 2018
FA United 2017 — August 25-27, 2017
FA United 2016 — August 12-14, 2016
FA United 2015 — September 11-13, 2015
FA United 2014 — August 15-17, 2014