Anime North 2004 Photo Gallery

Anime North 2004: Miscellaneous

These photos were taken by staff at Anime North 2004. All images are clickable for larger versions.

Benson and Kwan before the dealers' room opens

Benson and Kwan before the dealers' room opens

Enjoying the "Park" in the dealers' room

Enjoying the "Park" in the dealers' room

Eclair shows off her DDR skills

Eclair shows off her DDR skills

Anime Boston 2005's dealers' room table

Anime Boston 2005's dealers' room table

Anime Name That Tune round 1

Anime Name That Tune round 1

Anime Name That Tune round 2

Anime Name That Tune round 2

The dealers' room (separated by curtains from the rest of the con)

The dealers' room (separated by curtains from the rest of the con)

Brian Drummond at the charity auction

Brian Drummond at the charity auction

Art by Benson and Riki outside of a panel room

Art by Benson and Riki outside of a panel room

For more information about this event, please visit our Anime North 2004 page in our Conventions section.

Linking to our photos from off-site is prohibited

We respectfully ask that you do not link directly to our images from other web sites. Doing so increases our hosting costs for running this site. However, we won't mind if you download any photos of yourself to post on social media provided that you credit
Thank you. Staff