Rocket City NerdCon 2015
October 23-25, 2015
Huntsville-Madison County Public Library
Huntsville, AL
Comic Convention with Anime, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Video Gaming programming
Rocket City NerdCon 2015 promises to be an extra nerdy weekend! We are expanding our convention to include one more day, an author and artist alley, RPG gaming, bad movie awards, and much more. We are seeking to include as many different representations of fan communities as possible. Basically, if people can geek out about it, we want to celebrate it.
This year, RCNC will also include pre-convention events at Bailey Cove, Madison, and Monrovia each weekend leading up to Oct. 23. On Saturday, Oct. 24,the annual Teen Masquerade Ball takes over the library while the RCNC will celebrate our adults-only event at Yellowhammer Brewery with costume contest, live music, a food truck and beer.
Registration Information
$45: All 3 Days
Rocket City NerdCon 2015 Reports and Photos
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Previous/Future Events
Rocket City NerdCon 2017 — November 4-5, 2017
Rocket City NerdCon 2015 — October 23-25, 2015