Update Sci-Con 1998 Information

To update information about an event, complete the form below. Please provide as much data as you possibly can.

Before submitting, please read our Policy on Listed Events.

x denotes required information

Convention Information

Convention Name: x

Primary Convention Type: x

Start Date: x

End Date:
If you're entering a new edition for this con (such as next year's event), don't change the dates of the existing con or one that has already happened. Please fill out our New Convention form instead.

Hotel/Venue Name: x

City, State/Province:

Zip/Postal Code:

Country: x

GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: Longitude: View on Google Maps

Web Site URL: x

We no longer embed Twitter (or "𝕏") feeds on convention pages, but will be adding Bluesky support very soon.

Convention Information:
You can use this space to enter brief promotional information about this convention. We do not recommend including redundant information like the location, guests, or registration rates. (Limit of 500 characters. No HTML.)

Non-Harassment Policy URL:
Please provide a direct link to the convention's posted non-harassment policies (if any).

COVID-19 Policy URL:
Please provide a direct link to the convention's posted COVID-19 policies (if any).

Total Attendance:
warm bodies at Sci-Con 1998
Enter actual total number of people at this 1998 convention with badges. This is the actual number of warm bodies at the convention with badges. (Guests, staff, attendees, press...but not people like hotel employees.) If someone attended for three days, DO NOT count them three times. Please do not enter guesses.

Paid Attendance:
paid attendees at Sci-Con 1998
Enter actual final count of people who had paid to attend this 1998 convention. Staff, guests, vendors, and complimentary admissions should NOT be included in this number. If someone paid to attend for three days, DO NOT count them three times. Please do not enter guesses.

Turnstile Attendance:
turnstile attendees at Sci-Con 1998
Enter actual final turnstile count of people at this 1998 convention. Turnstile numbers take the attendance of each individual day and add them together. If someone paid to attend for three days, you DO count them three times with turnstile attendance counts. Please do not enter guesses.
To enter attendance for previous years, look at our convention schedule for that year, find the convention, and submit it as an update for that year with that year's information.

Confirmed Guests:
Enter one name per line.
PLEASE ONLY ADD NEW NAMES TO THE END OF THE LIST! We'll alphabetize it automatically on our end after they're added, but having the new ones on the end allows us to see what's new and make updates much faster. Questions about why some guests aren't listed? Refer to our Guest Listing FAQ.

NOTE: For conventions such as this which are not primarily anime conventions, we will only list guests that already exist in our guest database.

Your Information

Your E-mail: x
We only ask for your e-mail address in case we have questions. We will not spam you nor will we publish it. Your e-mail address will not be permanently stored in our database. Submissions with invalid e-mail addresses may be rejected.

Source: x
In order for us to verify this information as correct, please tell us your source. (ie: a convention web site URL, information from a convention program guide, your name and staff title, etc.) DO NOT just enter "Google"! We verify all information with numerous sources (convention web sites, press releases, etc.) before being posted online.

Use the optional space below to enter any additional comments you may have or other information you would like to pass on to our staff reviewing the data before it is published. This information will remain confidential and will not be published.

By submitting the above information, you grant this site a royalty-free license in perpetuity to use the submitted information in any medium deemed appropriate without compensation to the submitting individual or organization. (In other words, you can't selfishly come back a week later and say, "I sent you that info, now you have to take it down or send me $5.")