Beku Cos Information

Beku Cos

Beku Cos


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Beku is a veteran cosplayer who's humble upbringing in Southern Louisiana instilled them with a healthy dose of hard work and an overly friendly, cheerful disposition. Since their introduction to anime culture and cosplay in 2008, Beku has been living the cosplay lifestyle and loving every minute of it. Their early goals were making friends and becoming a better craftsman (and not much has changed.) Nowadays their focus consists of expanding gender representation with genderbend designs while promoting positivity and empowerment through costuming for all. Outside of their cosplay life, Beku is a classically trained seamster and alum of LSU's Apparel Design program, working as a freelance pattern maker/digitizer when they aren't sewing up a storm! After proving their metal through a series of award winning cosplay and fashion design adventures, they took up judging cosplay contests as a way to share the knowledge they've picked up from over a decade of hard work. Because their favorite part of cosplay is the ever learning and growing community, they hope to instill confidence and knowledge in all the new friends they haven't met yet.

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